Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Saving my blogs from my facebook and myspace (whospace?) A favorite!

With my 30th birthday just days away, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what I’ve gotten out of the past ten years.  Starting off as a child and now being an adult is quite a bit to take even in ten years.  So here are some things that come to mind.  Granted, I’m still working on them and no one is perfect.  The whole point is to constantly assess and so far this is what I’ve come up with (some positive and others not so much.)  I’m looking forward to seeing what the next ten years brings me and who will be a part of my journey.  Hope to see you all on the flip side.  Thanks for a great decade. 
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Here we go….
People lie.  And they lie often.  It’s a sign of a couple of things but mostly it’s a sign of lack of ownership and maturity.  Personal integrity is never overrated.  I generally don’t pick up on the lying till it’s too late and I always like to give the benefit of the doubt but hey, I’m also realistic. 
Drama is overrated.  Be above it and stay out of it.  Even when the noise gets unbearable.
Those that create drama have no room in my life.  Life is too short to spend it on petty and trivial things. 
Even though family can drive you nuts they are the only ones that matter. And a friend that has earned the highest level of loyalty is like family but those friends are few and far between.  Even when you think they are plentiful, they really are not.
Moms and Dads, regardless of quirks, are generally nose on about life.  As they should be…and as we should be when we get to where they are. Life is cyclical.  Pay attention.
Trust and loyalty are hardest things to earn but the most easiest to lose. Treasure those two values like the gold they’re worth.  Sometimes there just isn’t enough “sorrys” in the world to go back to the days when things were perfect.  Don’t be a person someone can’t trust.
Integrity will never go out of style.
Love is a funny verb.  Like trust and loyalty it should be saved for the most pristine in your life.  It isn’t something to dole out like candy.  Guard it.  It makes it that much more special when you actually use it.
Compassion is like karma.  You should have it for others always because you never know when you’re going to need it yourself. 
Materialism is severely overrated.  There will be days when the coffers are full and other days when being able to pay the rent is questionable. Learn to be happy with the little things.  And learn to earn what you have.  Nothing is entitled.  And you are never the exception.
Hard work and perseverance are character builders.  Never shrink from building your character. 
The only thing you can control is yourself and your actions.  What can you do to make it a better situation versus waiting for everyone else to get their act together?  
Type A-ness only goes so far and is severely overrated.  I’m a type B on most things because most things are truly non-essentials but we forget that and spend way too much time on things that just don’t matter in the big picture.  Relax.  The world won’t end because the smallest of details are not perfect.  This also counts when planning weddings, funerals, group activities, etc. 
Smile often, love often, and give often. 
If you use the word ownership, it counts for you too.  Not just a word to use for everyone else to help prove something to you.  Ownership is everyone’s business.  We should all be taking part in being responsible for our actions. 
Don’t have the mentality of being above others.  It actually looks pretty tacky and I promise most people notice it and think of how many steps below you are for trying to act that way. 
Gandhi had it right.  Be the change you want to see in the world.  Even if that means you’re standing alone.  Eventually, if the cause is right, everyone else will catch on. 
Saying “ please” and “thank you” never goes out of style.  Politeness is a sign of respect and we should always respect ourselves and each other. 
Having a sense of humor gets you through life.  If you can’t find a way to laugh about it or through it, maybe you need to look at it differently and try again.   It keeps the heart open and the mind clear.
You cannot eat an elephant all in one bite.  It takes a lot of bites.  And one bite at a time.  Sometimes you just need to focus on getting through today and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow gets here.  Have goals and dreams but remember one bite at a time.  Especially on the hard stuff. 
Choices are all within your control.  And choices make life go round.  Have you checked on what kind of life choices you’re making lately?  Do they pass the test that you can share them with others?  If not, rethink them, change them, and move on. 
Don’t dwell on the mistakes you have made.  Everyone has a sob story and no one wants to hear it.  What people want to see is the success you draw on from moving forward and being the best person you can be. 
Goals and dreams are nothing to laugh at or to push off for another day. They should live on your refrigerator door that way you see them often and have them in your thoughts always.  Revise them when necessary. Keep them updated.  Speak of them often.  And never give up on them.

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